moderz 25 окт 2011, 10:59
ia sevodnia tam smotrel ne nashol:=(((((
tochna egiptiani:=))))
vsio sxoditsia,v zapadnoi gruzii nashli uimo arxeologicheskix naxodok drevnogo egipta,nashli ieroglifi i td.
v zapadnoi gruzii ne slishal ne gde shtob nashli etu haplgrupu.
takshto rebiata versia mozhet bit polne logichnaia i realnaia
egiptiani mogli ostavit na kavkaze voenie kontingenti,bog znaet:=)
sovpadaetsia poxod sesostrisa s etim
Around 450 BC Herodotus, Greek author of History, wrote of the inhabitants of Colchis (in modern Georgia) : "it is undoubtedly a fact that the Colchians are of Egyptian descent. I noticed this myself before I heard anyone else mention it ... My own idea on the subject was based first on the fact that they have black skins and woolly hair... and secondly, and more especially, on the fact that the Colchians, the Egyptians and the Ethiopians are the only races which from ancient times have practiced circumcision." He also noted the Colchians wove a form of linen identical to that woven in Egypt. Archeologists confirmed that Colchians and Egyptian used the same kind of vertical 2-beam loom.8
Herodotus cited a story told by Egyptian priests about a Pharoah Sesostris, who once led an army northward through Syria and Turkey all the way to Colchis, westward across Southern Russia, and then south again through Romania, until he reached Bulgaria and the Eastern part of Greece. Sesostris then returned home the same way he came, leaving colonists behind at the Colchian river Phasis. Herodotus cautioned the reader that this story came 2nd hand via Egyptian priests, but also noted that the Colchians themselves had legends of an Egyptian colonization.9